Saturday 23 June 2012


Amazingly, I have found the new post title immediately. This is a rare circumstance.

I decided I would write about noise as I find it at times very disturbing and most certainly did in the past but just read something  that is very true in that you must learn to just let it be there.

In the past, when I was extremely stressed and uptight, I couldn't stand the noise of traffic, dogs barking, lawn mowers, drills, anything basically alien to the beauty in my head of music, which I kept playing in my head to rid myself of this awful sound. However, my worst thing was "The Fridge". It just buzzed and buzzed and I honestly got to the stage where I could have heaved it into the garden just so that I never had to be that "jangled up" again. I really hated my fridge! I would like to say at this point that I have forgiven it, and though it is a different one, I have but it still annoys me to this day, merely doesn't sound as loud unless I think about it.

Noise is noise and not melodic or beautiful. We grow used to it being there all the time and accept it, in fact we become completely oblivious to it! I so wish I could, but I am getting better at accepting it. I suppose it all depends how I am feeling at the time.

Sometimes I cannot believe that I write all this, but I still don't think it's wrong. Merely something to consider and only my own personal experience.

As you grow older, your senses can become less acute, and in some ways I find this easier, but that is a completely different story. I think I feel much more comfortable and happier so perhaps this is why I can move "noise" aside now, but I will never really grow comfortable with it.

Melody is very different, whether it be a piano, voice, violin, guitar, saxophone and so the list goes on. I will add to this the sound of wind and rain on my window. It is melodic and beautiful.

Strangely, when you do feel relaxed, a buzzing sound can accentuate that feeling so in the end of my rambling thoughts, I will think of bees whom are wonderful.Maybe I will write about them one day. :-)

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