Friday 18 May 2012

Changing Times.

Well here I am again, late as usual but it is my time of peace and when I can actually concentrate best. I will excuse myself by remembering it is early Saturday morning and that I am merely awake in a different way than I was when I was younger. I used to always go out on a Friday night and would happily sit well in to the early hours chatting, and trying to solve the world. I never actually managed to solve any of the problems that exist in this world but I have never stopped caring or trying my best. That is what I wish to be written on my gravestone when I pass over, " I tried".

I was talking to my husband earlier about how cruel time can be and he mentioned that it speeds up, the older you become, and he is right. When you are a teenager, you just think life will last forever and suddenly you realise you are almost fifty and wonder how on earth this happened so quickly.

I know my parents feel this even more acutely as they are well into their eighties now. It is a depressing time for their children, knowing the inevidible but my mum has a good approach to the afterlife (though our thoughts on this differ) but I think my dad fears it. Perhaps the fear of death itself is just frightening but I deeply feel that when you move, it will be better.

Well , I must say that this entry sounds a little depressing but I didn't mean it that way. It's just how life naturally happens but it's always going to be painful.

Anyway, to move away from that depressing concept, times really have changed so much within the period of me being here. I was born in 1962 and thankfully was blissfuly unaware of the Cuban Crisis which I would have been terrified of. I hate war and aggression and I don't believe we will ever solve anything by fighting.However, as a young child, I remember the freedom of just being. We always played outside, all our games from our own imagination and I feel this is becoming a lost way as we are today. Sad really. I remember my friend and myself decorating the thrown out Christmas tree with anything we could find in winter to still make it look pretty. Then it would be taken away in the bin lorry and gone till next Christmas when you got another tree. Christmas was wonderful as a small girl. :-)

I also think back on all that is now deemed bad for us in every way, and am quite sure is, like chocolate, puddings, chips and all I remember tasting good. We have moved on and now realise they rot your teeth, make you put on weight but I will say that we exercised more when I was young and I just remember being happy which is the most beneficial aspect yout health can ever have. :-)
I rather think it is time to be quiet, which incidentally was the polite way to say shut up as a child. That saying was considered very rude. you have to laugh.

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