Friday 20 July 2012


I have never in my whole life been a fan of planning anything. In my experience, plans never work out as you want them too, so you just end up disappointed after all the original stress of trying to make them work, for all involved in the first place! It all seems pretty pointless to me.

I am a naturally spontaneous person who likes to live for the moment, especially as you never quite know how you are going to feel at any given time.It may be extremely obvious that I also write my blogs in this way but this is just who I am and how I operate.

Actually, in the process of planning events, I usually know how they will transpire. I will wake up with a sore back, a road will be closed somewhere, we will get lost, no-one will agree on what they want to do, I will end up making the picnic, I will not have enough tea and so the list goes on. I should laugh really as it usually turns out fine and you enjoy it, it's just the planning of it I dislike.

I've never been into holidays where every day involves something you have to see or do. To me, a holiday means escaping your normal stresses, not having to do them in a different way. Maybe I am not a true traveller at heart.

I personally think that some of the best experiences of my life have been totally impromptu.they have certainly been my happiest ones.

I love seeing anything new, I love museums, I love live music, and I love isolated places of beauty. I just can't do it all at once.

For me, I work at my best when I just feel like doing something, whether it be playing piano, reading, using the computer or doing crosswords; I work with my mood at the time. That is a brief description of a few things I would choose. 

I have never really thought that my mum and myself were terribly similar, but we are in that way; she hated plans too. :-)

In my last blog, I wrote a brief comment on someone I very liked who passed over. Nobody could have planned for that to happen so why do we at all?

There is not one of us who can possibly know what is ahead, no matter how we try to work it out, and nobody loves analysis more than me. We just really don't know what will happen, so hence the pointlessness of plans.

However, I do appreciate that to function in this world, at times they are necessary, or maybe we would never do anything!. However, adaptation is a great skill and it's something worth remembering. :-)

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