Monday 16 July 2012

Just thoughts

I just like writing what I feel at the time, so I will do so.

I have had both a frustrating and inspiring day. It started with my "Hoover", which technically is a vacuum cleaner but it will always be a "Hoover" to me as that was who made them when I was little. It wouldn't lift the various deposits on the carpet, the cat hair, the crisps, curtesy  of my gorgeous four year old granddaughter, the general mess that always ends up on a carpet or actually anything whatsoever. Well, I decided to take this "Hoover" to bits as I had gathered that the tube was blocked, and then I truly wished I had not bothered to do so.What a job this was! I had to remember where every screw was, to put it back together, thought I had actually managed to unblock the lower tube, but realised that was not the actual problem; the problem was in the other tube, the one that is supposed to be easy to remove but just isn't! My goodness, I could go on about this "Hoover" for ever but it really was extremely annoying and time consuming.

I gave up on the first episode of trying to fix it, but being the stubborn individual that I am, I had to try again, This time after eventually removing other hose and detecting blockage with the help of my husband. After him suggesting using his "stick", I finally dislodged the offending article which was a bit of cardboard that dust had gathered round, caused by my cats scraping boxes. All that for a bit of cardboard! The "Hoover" was nearly fired out the window, so short my patience was, yet I can have endless patience  for what I like.

Now I will get to the nice ending to this frustrating experience. I did eventually fix this annoying appliance and ended up having a very interesting (in twitter language), chat with the clever and I think, very talented @AndrewDBaird1. I have a huge interest in Astrology but I do not have the knowledge, though it is something you could forever study. I would like to learn more on "The houses", which I barely understand, I didn't quite get that far. I understand some of the aspects in Astrology, but it is a highly complicated subject and I massively want to learn more. Anyway, if anyone out there wants to learn more, I would recommend Andrew, as I just know he has complete instinct and knows what he is talking about. I will be ever fascinated on this whole subject.

From "Hoovers", which are "Vacuum cleaners" to Astrology, it has been an interesting day. :-)

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