Sunday, 16 September 2012


There is little more precious in this life than a good friend and they come in many forms.My childhood ones are still with me forty five years on, and we still meet up and act like the children we once were.

However, friendship extends to a much further level and I have met some "Beauties" on twitter. The internet allows you to connect with people you would not normally realise existed, and although you don't know them in person, you are actually talking to that being, and I personally think this is wonderful.If it was not for this medium, I would not have met my lovely friend @KarensPix.; she is a true friend.

I hope one day, to meet some more of the people I chat too, and am sure I will ;  it isn't all an illusion. :-).

Recently I have talked to a very lovely person, whom I feel I know anyway and I must say, that although I have not met the person in question, this is a very precious friendship, and that is exactly what it is. What a delightfully lovely being, who has become my friend. :-))

Perhaps this will not make sense, but you can even befriend a teddy bear. :-) :D

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