Tuesday, 7 August 2012

"Whisky from small glasses"

I cannot possibly describe how proud I am of my husband D.A.Meyrick or @lochlomonden on twitter for writing this wonderful crime thriller, set in the West coast of Scotland. He is one talented man.

For anyone interested, it's all on the website of http://ringwoodpublishing.com/

My husband, Denzil to me, is a very talented man in many ways. He is not only a very talented writer, which you will realise if you read this book, through the wonderful description of everything, from scenery to his characters, who come so alive, you feel you might know them in real life.It is a totally fictional book and I have proofread it so I am lucky enough to have read it in a "different" way than just picking the book up, but believe me, he's an extremely talented writer. However, he has many other talents.

When I first met him, I instantly knew he was a musician, and he's an extremely good one. He has a baritone voice which sounds Like "Frank Sinatra" and "Neil Diamond" and he plays guitar, saxophone and is just a very good musician. He's also an extremely good cartoonist and mimic.

I am not boasting, rather just pointing out the merits of a talented man.

I really hope that people will read this book, and realise the skill in how he writes. It's a work of fiction, brilliantly written and I so wish I had his talent.

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