Thursday, 30 August 2012

The little things that "touch" your soul.

There are many occasions in life where we meet people we naturally 'Gel' with and like immediately. So often though, you swap phone numbers, and never encounter the person again. This was not the case today.

About three weeks ago, my husband and myself went out to celebrate that he had just signed a deal with a publisher on his first crime thriller, in fact his first novel, which may I say is rather wonderfully written and very compelling. For anyone interested, it is called "Whisky from small glasses" by D.A.Meyrick and is available from .

The evening started by meeting a very lovely old man who told us stories of his experiences in the second world war, then later we met a very nice "couple" who were on a "short break" for the lady's sixtieth birthday ; like me, she is Scottish and we found many things to chat about. I really liked her and she seemed a little perturbed at the end of the evening, so I gave her my phone number.

Tonight, whilst doing my usual routine, I got a phone call out of the "blue" and she decided to "call" me as she had enjoyed our conversation and wanted to chat some more. It was completely unexpected and I feel quite honoured that she did so ; hard to explain, but it 'touched my heart' that I made enough of an impression on her that she would contact me. Rarely on a 'random' meeting do we actually contact the person again.

Anyway, I will speak with her again as she bothered enough to phone me. I'm still quite amazed actually that she felt she wanted to keep in touch after such a brief meeting. That has actually made my day.:-)

Friday, 24 August 2012

A Trifle

I have always seen a "trifle" as having many layers much like society really. The cream is at the top and many swim around in the jelly, absorbing the problems of being at the lower end of life,struggling because of the utter selfishness of those who do not think or care.

The Sponge which soaks up the jelly, is the souls who work hard and never get a chance, but always the Sponge tries to help.

Then, we have the jelly, which encompasses the sponge and traps it so it may not move on.

We can add a little bit of healthy fruit in here, but it is already heading towards the next layer, not wanting to be associated with either the sponge or jelly.

Let us now add the middle layer of custard, as we begin to leave the poor sponge entrapped in the jelly.  Sweet and delicious as it is, we forget about the bottom layers; the trifle gets tastier as we move upwards.

Add a spreading of double whipped cream, and all is now forgotten ; a few sprinkles and there is your trifle.

I went off  trifle a long time ago.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Human Relationships

There is nothing quite so interesting as the way human beings behave towards one another. They really are odd creatures that do not fit into how (humans) try to categorise anything.

It would seem, and probably is true, that animals follow certain behavioural patterns that makes them them, but I am sure there is no simplicity in any of this?

Humans, who believe their species is above the animal world, are very foolish as there is an instinctive way to be that we seem to "rubbish", and I really don't understand why? Animals and all other forms of life, and I am hopeless at getting all the names right, so little point in losing the "thread of my thoughts"- just are. They act as they do, and don't complicate everything. In my experience of my love for them, they always respond and give you equally back what you give to them: not so the case with human beings.

My husband is a brilliant writer and uses words wonderfully. I do not share his talent and use them fairly badly. However, I like the freedom to express, so use them in my own way. Here I will talk of complete love, and to me it's all the same love: Denzil, Rachel, Sian, Wee Boy,Suzy, my mum, my friends, my brothers, my sister, my step mum, my dad, friends I see no longer, my cousins, my aunts,my uncles - it just goes on. Suzy and Wee Boy are my cats whom I love as much as any human being.

My ability with words is not brilliant but I can recognise that love is the most important thing that exists, and if we realised that, we all would not argue so much.

I was upset by the fact that someone very close to me was upset by the words of another person, which were just said without thought. What is the old saying? "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? That is the version I knew anyway,and actually, there is little more hurtful than words:once spoken, you cannot take them back and in some cases it takes years to repair the damage caused by them-so sad.

An animal, is unquestioning, loyal to the last, and often in my opinion, way above human behaviour.

I was told a long time ago, not to write, speak or basically do anything when I was stressed, but as a fifty year old adult female, I don't really need to listen any more.I started this blog as a sort of public diary which people may read if they wish, it's their choice, but I will retain the freedom to write it in my own way with no rules.; I truly hate rules!

My titles are never what I suggest, but I need to call my blogs something. I just let my thoughts run free and see what I come up with.

I have always been useless at finishing anything, as nothing truly does finish.However, I will end this blog with mentioning again my utter love for all animals, and they are not remotely beneath us human beings, but rather on a much higher level than most of us can hope to be.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

My continuing theme on my cats.

Here I will speak of my my third cat "Porta", named by my elder brother from one of the characters in the Sven Hassel books which I loved. However, before I do, I mentioned nothing of my previous two cats litters. Tiger had a beautiful little kitten named "Monty" who went to live with my brother's girlfriend at that time, and "Mo" had two litters, the first two whom I named "Mehitabel" and "Jock" and a second litter of three kittens named "Lusitania", "Amoeba" and "Piccaso". I am quite sure they were all re-named when they went to their new homes and I was only fifteen years old at the time. :-)."Porta" was my first male cat.

"Porta", like "Mo" was black and I got him from a farm near where I lived. I missed "Mo" so much and though you can never replace a cat, they all have their own personalities, and "Porta" had a very large personality. At the time, my mum was a mature student at "Jordan Hill" College in Glasgow, studying "Primary Teaching" and one of her fellow students' cat had just had a litter. I had previously trawled around Possil Park trying to locate a Tabby kitten I had met with a woman on a bus, when I worked in a home for the elderly in Lambhill. She gave me her address but when I called there was no reply so I missed out on that kitten, (and now think back that it probably wasn't very sensible at nineteen years old,wandering around by myself in search of a kitten in Glasgow at night, but that's how much I love cats. :-) ). However I had no regrets in getting "Porta" who was a complete soppy beast as all my male cats have been.

In the meantime, a year earlier, my younger brother had got a labrador/collie cross pup who was just adorable, her name being "Cara". So by the time "Porta" arrived, she was only a year old. She completely mothered my new kitten and they became "firm" friends. They used to lie on the couch together and "Porta" would wrap his paws around "Cara's " neck. It was so sweet to see.

I still laugh to this day on what I call "The incident with the kipper". My older brother was about to cook one for himself, but left it unattended for a few moments and "Porta" stole it and ran up the back garden with it. I was in fits of laughter watching him chase "Porta" all round the garden trying to retrieve it, not as it could be eaten any more but he was determined if he couldn't have it then the cat wasn't eating it! Needless to say, the cat won. :-)). Still makes me laugh to this day.

Sadly, and even more sadly after he caught my fifteen year old budgie, whom one of us had forgotten to lock the cage of (Poor wee "Dougie", :-((, he was another victim of traffic at only a year and a half old. It broke my heart, especially as I witnessed it. It wasn't the driver's fault, he just dashed onto the road. "Cara" was really depressed and I swore I would get no more cats but I just had too.

Like my previous two cats, he brought me so much joy.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

"Whisky from small glasses"

I cannot possibly describe how proud I am of my husband D.A.Meyrick or @lochlomonden on twitter for writing this wonderful crime thriller, set in the West coast of Scotland. He is one talented man.

For anyone interested, it's all on the website of

My husband, Denzil to me, is a very talented man in many ways. He is not only a very talented writer, which you will realise if you read this book, through the wonderful description of everything, from scenery to his characters, who come so alive, you feel you might know them in real life.It is a totally fictional book and I have proofread it so I am lucky enough to have read it in a "different" way than just picking the book up, but believe me, he's an extremely talented writer. However, he has many other talents.

When I first met him, I instantly knew he was a musician, and he's an extremely good one. He has a baritone voice which sounds Like "Frank Sinatra" and "Neil Diamond" and he plays guitar, saxophone and is just a very good musician. He's also an extremely good cartoonist and mimic.

I am not boasting, rather just pointing out the merits of a talented man.

I really hope that people will read this book, and realise the skill in how he writes. It's a work of fiction, brilliantly written and I so wish I had his talent.