Tuesday, 19 March 2013


It is such a long time since I have written a blog, I have my doubts if I can remember how to do it? :-). I am sure I will manage with the help of Mendellsohn's third symphony ( Scotch ) to listen to. What an absolutely marvellous piece of music. Long ago, I learned to play the 3rd movement by "ear" on violin and it released a lot of emotions for me at a very difficult point of my life.

Well, as usual, I prattle on and don't get to the point which is my title and for once I will try to do so. Indecision can hold us back so much, even when we know in our heart what we should do, but life is to some extent a "gamble"and one that needs to be taken as far as I am concerned. I very often wish that I had listened to my own advice more and I may have achieved what I really wanted to do, but life kind of gets in the way sometimes. However, if you don't make the necessary changes, you stay stuck in that place you don't want to be in.

On saying that, I am now in very much the place I do want to be in as I am older and don't any longer want the same things I did when I was young and I feel very comfortable in a way I didn't then. I love my personal family so deeply, and also my more extended one, but I still regret not doing something with my musical passion as it is indeed that ; I am so passionate about music. I will do something with it one day but for now, it isn't the right time.

Indecision can paralyse all natural thoughts or exacerbate them. The answer is finding the fine line between such extremes and compromise in any situation normally works best and benefits all. Humans are so silly at times that they cannot settle their differences in a sensible way as they always want to war, and where has that ever got us?

If you cannot decide on a course of action, no matter what it may be, you remain in limbo ,screwing up your own brain and making yourself and others unhappy. I'd rather gamble (something I have never, ever done in a monetary sense) and free myself. If  life is difficult, it may get worse but there is a strong chance it just might get better so do it. And compromise is one of my favourite words as is freedom.