Monday, 30 April 2012

Monday evening again.

Well here I am relaxing after a busy two days. Sunday night I always look after my gorgeous four year old granddaughter and also through the daytime on Monday's and Tuesday's. My daughter has nearly completed her first year at college studying a N.H.C. in Drama and Performance. She has done really well and is thoroughly enjoying it.She has been accepted to two other colleges to study for her H.N.D. next August but hopes to get back in to The City Of Glasgow College where she is currently studying.We are going to watch her play Mary,Queen of Scots soon in an adaptation of Liz Lochead's Mary Queen of Scots got her head chopped off. I am very looking forward to that.

I really don't know where the weeks go? One week just rushes into the next.Maybe I am just getting old. Well I will be fifty at the beginning of June. For that pleasure, I am going to Whitby for a three day trip with my husband and my dad may also come with us. He is eighty seven , fit as a fiddle and will most certainly keep us entertained. I also intend to meet Karen Appleyard who I met on twitter (@karenspix) who lives quite nearby. She's a great photographer and a lovely person to speak to. We now write to each other so it will be wonderful to meet her. I am just so looking forward to this trip as life has been hectic of late as my mum has been having work done in her house and she's not as fit as she was.Also with other commitments, it will be nice just to do nothing but relax,

I am on a big knitting project at the moment which I want to have completed by the end of May. It is a very colourful design which I am really enjoying doing. I got back into knitting after many years absence after my granddaughter was born and always have something on my needles. I made the seven "Raggy Dolls" for my granddaughter Sian and she loves them. They are not perfect but they are made with love and that is what is important.

My next project is to try to record some of the piano pieces I wrote years back but I am afraid my technical skills are not good and I will require some help from my husband once he has some time. He has just finished and sent of his first novel "Whisky From Small Glasses" which is an excellent crime novel set in the West coast of Scotland.It is receiving a great deal of interest and I an sure it will do well. In the meantime as regards my music recording, I will have to get down to some really series piano practise once I finish this knitting.

Life is busy but that is what makes it enjoyable.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Hi, just started this blog, where I will post my thoughts on life in general- a sort of diary, really.

Hope you can join me.